Hey kiddo! Let me tell you about the "dark figure of crime".
You know how sometimes bad things happen and people get hurt or their things get stolen? When those things happen, the police and other people who study crime want to know about it so they can try to stop it from happening again. But sometimes, not everyone who has something bad happen to them tells the police or anyone else about it.
That's where the "dark figure of crime" comes in. It's like there's a shadow or a dark cloud over some crimes, because we don't know they happened. Maybe someone didn't want to tell the police because they were scared or they didn't think it was a big deal. Maybe they didn't even realize a crime had happened to them.
But just because we don't know about these crimes, it doesn't mean they didn't happen. So people who study crime try to understand the dark figure and figure out how they can find out about more of these unreported crimes. That way they can try to prevent them from happening and make our communities safer.